martes, 21 de abril de 2009

career-related website!

Is not theat I enjoy visiting it but I think that is very usefull. It’s the National Congress Library.
I knew about this in 2007 when I was taking clases in this University Law School. I needed to do some research about the Constitution and the reforms that Ricardo Lagos do to it.
I didn’t know where to start, so with a classmate (who were also my best friend) ask to our olders classmates where we could find the information that we needed.
They not hesitate and recommended us to visit this web site.
It’s very interesting. You can find there a lot of information law related, like the history and the proyects. All of this in a confortable way, made for all kinds of people, politics, citizens or people who is not related with this kind of subjects (political ones).
And It’s always updated.
I hope that this can help you to do some homeworks or investigations (in my case it’s very usefull for B. Navarrete’s class Investigation :P)


3 comentarios:

  1. Hi
    thanks for the tips. I'll visit the page.
    See you in the next class (:

  2. Hi, Rocio
    Interesting website. Don't forget to include a subject in your first sentence:

    *This* is not *a site* I enjoy visiting it but I think that *it* is very useful.

    I see you missed the second blog post?

  3. BCN it's like CNN in UK, i never visited the site but i think it's good.

